Sunday, February 2, 2014

Rant: Test post

I guess I'll ramble to test this particular format.

I first wanted to extend my apologies to those who have followed my original blog on LJ. Given my disappearance, I know I owe an explanation. Suffice to say, things have not been getting better for me time-wise, between work and whatever entertainment I can get out of Final Fantasy XIV. I've also taken to randomly doing 3-d modeling, which has taken a lot of my time (the fact that I spend most of that time figuring out how to do things due to my having no training in 3-d modeling didn't help).

As my time has been spent elsewhere, I haven't been paying attention to the eroge and dating sim scene. I was surprised to see that Overdrive decided to remake Green Green, and Kazoku Keikaku has also seen a remake on the PS3. The only thing I've gotten out of all that is a clear sign of trouble in entertainment if even eroge are getting remade.

I do have to ask the question "where does it stop"? Will we see Leaf announce a remake of To Heart and Comic Party? How about gems that didn't get much attention due to poor timing like Rakuen and perhaps Yatouhime Zankikou?

I'm sure someone would mention the Tsukihime remake, and I may be inclined to include that in my list. Of course, I look at the Tsukihime remake differently, as that was originally a doujin title (Neco Arc's joke of the game costing only 50 dollars to make exists for a reason) and was FAR below production standards back when it was first released. I also have to forgive them because the remake is technically a complete/final version of Tsukihime, including the missing-god-knows-how-many-years Yumizuka Satsuki route.

I'm not sure where this is all going, and that's kind of why I have chosen to ramble. Should I decide on what to do with this new bog, this post will probably disappear and be replaced by something of more substance and relevance.

-Moroboshi Yuumei
"WTF I thought you died..."

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you didn't give up VN/eroge blogging after all. Since many games of those types never get English translations, bloggers like you are sometimes the only source of English-language available, so I'm grateful that you're still shedding light on these games.

    Are you going to do a special for Tenshi no inai 12-gatsu? Given Leaf's success with White Album 2, it wouldn't be surprising if they put out a sequel to TenInai since it started that company's take on the whole "depressing situations in winter" (AKA "sad girls in snow") genre. The chance of that game getting an English translation is pretty slim, though.
